about the project

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It’s obvious that our compatriots, from young to senior ones, should be closely introduced to various good manners rules. It should be done in an attractive way so that the principles of good behavior could be gladly adopted and applied in everyday life. This can be supported by a card game Good manners quiz and a memory game bearing the same name as well as iPad and iPhone application “Good manners quiz” in Croatian and in English, which deals with the issue of good manners. Those games can be used within the family and at school, especially during homeroom classes, in school library and in the office of expert assistantpedagogue and social pedagogue.

The idea came from Lada Bobinac, prof., the librarian of the elementary school Granešina in Zagreb, who invented the original game „Bontoniziraj se i pobijedi(Adopt good manners and win) and “Viseći bonton(Pending good manners) for the purposes of her school and she presented it at „20th spring school for school librarians” in Opatija and at expert county meeting of school librarians in Zagreb and Zagreb county in 2008.

Koraljka (Bobinac) Paurić, mag. oec., improved this game. She gathered excellent co-workers: designer Ana Ćurković Zelić (Deseto selo d.o.o.), English language translator Veronika Rašić, dr. med., digital agency Neuralab d.o.o. and she made the game available to a broad range of people through the Internet, iPad and iPhone application and CDs. She presented the improved game LaKo Bonotoniziranje and the iPad and iPhone application “Good manners quiz” during the “Informative Tuesday” for librarians in June 2013. All of this could not be possible without financial support of her ninety-year-old generous grandma Ivka Gudić. She tries to observe the behavior of her compatriots and share good and bad examples of behavior on social networks Facebook, Pinterest and web pages of WordPress.

Current and future users are also invited to use free contents related to good manners and to give their support by buying materials at lowest price possible, available on iTunes, CD and web page TeachersPayTeachers and by ordering them directly at the e-mail address koraljkab@hotmail.com.

In addition to good manners, we do also the manufacturing of glagolitic souvenirs. We should point out pencils with glagolitic text: “Croatia in the heart”, bookmarkers and wall clocks with glagolitic dial.

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